Hey everyone!
It's been one heck of a year for me. I got married, am finishing up my senior year of school, and I honestly haven't had as much time for war gaming as I would have liked to. That being said, since it has been so long, I'd like to kick this off correctly - I'm going to be posting some content about what I'm doing.
So what am I going to be doing?
Good question Danny! I'll be working first on getting some of the Nurgle models I've been working on painted up and ready for the next big event that I'm doing - our local Alaska State Championships. I haven't ever won this event (which is unusual; I've won all the other ones at least once), so it's something I'd like to aspire to. I didn't play one year, and got 4th place another; we played too many games so my round one opponent was able to sneak back into first place after a really close victory (in my favor) on round 1. I ended up losing Round 4, so had to compete against the other people who were 3-1 (and some who had tied one game). I've got something to prove there apparently, and would like to add that victory to my list of honors.
So, what army am I going to be practicing with for the next few months?
Again, great question Danny. I've been playing a lot of Eldar lately, and so I'd like a change up. I'm going to start playing a combination of Death Guard and Daemons, and since I'd like to compete for best Daemon player in ITC this year, I'm going to try and run them for my main faction for the rest of the year. I love the fact that I can combo them up with so many other armies to make mixed armies (like with Tzeentch/1kSons and Nurgle/Death Guard) - the synergy is there any it looks pretty neat on the table top.
I've been considering running some Death Guard all year, and after seeing the price on Plagueburst Crawlers consistently drop through a Codex release and Chapter Approved, I'm going to be basing my army around that concept. Don Hooson recently ran 10 of them at LVO, and did really well - but I don't like putting that many eggs into one basket and like a more diversified army; so I'll be running some extra models in the form of Daemons. Here is the list that I'm planning on running for the next local ITC event:
Daemons/Death Guard Mashup
Battalion - Daemons
Horticuls Slimux
-165 pts
-70 pts
6 Beasts of Nurgle
-204 pts
29 Plaguebearers w/ Icon and Instrument
-228 pts
3x 3 Nurglings
-54 pts ea (162 pts total)
Spearhead - Chaos
-100 pts
3 x Plagueburst Crawler w/ 2 Plaguespitters and Heavy Slugger
-140 pts ea (420 pts total)
Spearhead - Death Guard
Daemon Prince of Nurgle w/ Wings, 2 Malefic Talons
Warlord - Arch Contaminator
Relic - Fugaris' Helm
-180 pts
3 x Plagueburst Crawler w/ 2 Plaguespitters and Heavy Slugger
-140 pts ea (420 pts total)
Total 1949 pts; 51 points in reserve
So the army works pretty simply; I use Slimux to plant a tree at the end of my turn to allow the PBC's (Plagueburst Crawlers) to fall back from combat and flamer whatever had locked them in. It also allows the Beasts of Nurgle and Slimux to catapult T2 into the enemy lines and wreck havoc, tying things up or just murdering them.
The Plaguebearers give me a unit to either shield the PBC's from assault or sit on an objective or just jam stuff up; in addition as long as one of them is within 7", they can fall back from combat and still assault. The Beasts are equally as slippery.
The Nurglings are...they are quite simply the best unit in the game right now imo. They can score points for ITC super easily, they push back deepstrike deployment, and are pretty tough for how many points they cost. Love them so much.
My Warlord boosts the PBC's crazy well - he can smite things off them, he lets them re-roll ones within 9", and lets them re-roll to wound rolls with the mortar and spitters within 10". Insanely good.
Epidemus boosts the crawlers even more -giving them a natural reroll, boosting their strength (which also boosts the flamers)(ALSO THE POXBRINGER DOES THIS), and later on even their toughness etc. So good.
So yeah, I'm going to be giving this a whirl here coming up - I've got some fun games planned too; so not playing things that so hard makes for a different but equally enjoyable experience.
Until next time!
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