Monday, May 18, 2015

Hobby Progress

Worked on some more Wood Elf stuff earlier this week; getting close to having everything assembled and primed/base coated.  All I still need to do is build/base/prime another 16 or so Archers and base/prime my Wardancers.  These (due to crappy shooting) are my Eternal Guard.  I chopped the bottom spears off, and used the hooded heads instead of the helmeted ones.

In addition to building some models for Fantasy, I acquired a Space Wolf army for 40k on the cheap, so I built some of the models for that as well.

Finally, I received in the mail the first of the basic squads I need to start a 30k army.  I haven't played it yet, but the models are amazing.  I painted a Lorgar awhile ago (re: like a year), and I've since gotten a small unit of Gal Vorbak to join him as backup dancers.  I've also got an Erebus/Kor Phaeron on the way to join up, so I at least have a few units to fool around with and try out some small games.  There seems to be a lot of little Zone Mortalis stuff going on at the local shop.

I've got some battle report in the mix now that I need to write up, which will be the next post.  Thanks for dropping by!

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