Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Some Gaming!

This week has been surprisingly busy - though I was able to get in two games (one last week, and one the week before that); so I'll do a brief run-down on the first one.  I've been really happy to have a local store that I can stop by and play at; even if it's not to a point where you can just get a pickup game whenever (yet).  I think there will be a time where there's enough of a crowd there during certain days that I won't have to schedule games ahead of time.

40k Game:

So I got to play my Eldar again last Thursday, this time against Jon.  I played against Jon at a recent 40k Tournament (wherein I played against no less than 3(!) Grey Knight players).  Jon brought a solid list, a combination of Grey Knights and Blood Angels, with the Blood Angels being the primary.  His list included:

Blood Angels (Baal Strike Force):
Corbulo (Warlord)
Sanguinary Priest w/ Valor's Edge
2 x 5 strong Tactical Squads with Grav Weapons
10 Death Company
5 Bolter Death Company w/ Rhino
Storm Raven (with DC and Corbulo inside)
Death Company Dreadnought
Aegis Defence Line w/ Comms Relay

Grey Knights (Nemesis Strike Force):
Librarian w/ ML3, Unique Storm Bolter, Hammer
5 GK Terminators
2 Dreadknights; 1 w/ Heavy Psycannon/Gattling Psylencer; 1 w/Heavy Incinerator/Heavy Psycannon

A pretty intimidating list.  I played the same list as last time, which you can find here.

I rolled up a ton of powers, as I am wont to do with 20 Mastery Levels.  Importantly, I got Fortune on at least one of the psykers, as well as the +1 Armor Save power on the warlock conclave.

We played standard Eternal War mission one (the one with the d3+2 Objectives, no special points).  We rolled up standard deployment.  The blue dice in the pictures represent the objectives (unless it's on a model's base, apparently, that means it's

Jon won the first turn, and you can see he is lining up to systematically destroy tons of my dudes.  He kills half of one unit of guardians, and then another units flees off the table after losing several models.

On my first turn, I manage to deal two wounds to both of the Dreadknights, as well as blow up the DC rhino.

On the second turn, Jon's shooting is much less successful.  He only manages to kill most of the rest of one squad of guardians.  The seer council takes some hits, but keeps on trucking.

I think at this point I lost some of my picture taking discipline - We played till turn seven, and some funny/interesting things happened.

  • Storm Raven came in with DC and Dreadnought, and one unit of reapers grabbed a nearby objective with Skyfire - shot that thing out of the air.  On the drop, all the DC minus Corbulo died, and the Dread took a hull point.  I shot the dread with the rest of the Reapers, and took it out.  On his next turn, Corbulo joined with the other DC, which shot at the Reapers in the runs enough to cause them to fall back, out of assault range (thank Khaine!).  They rallied and then proceeded to blow the snot out of the DC.
  • My psyker unit owned the middle of the table, tanking hits on the 2+ re-rollable Farseer (jetbike + Fortify).  Finally got in combat with the terminators plus librarian, and kept Perils checking a 6 - so the Farseer fighting the librarian always had smash.  Too bad he kept making invulnerable saves.  This led to the combat death of all my farseers, including my Warlord to the Thunder Hammer toting Librarian.  Who said that the TH was a bad choice?
  • My War Walker survived both the Autocannons and Lascannons of the Sicarian, only to be gunned down by it's Heavy Bolter.  The indignity!
  • Managed to kill the Sicarian with the Seer Council.  Tons of Singing Spears + Guide work wonders.
  • At the end of the game, controlled three objectives to none, winning the game 10-2 (Jon got First Blood and Warlord).
A super fun game, filled with lots of explosions and death.  I lost about 80% of my army, but the leftovers were enough to take a bunch of objectives and keep going.  I hope to play against Jon again sometime soon.

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